"For us, talent managers or international mobility managers, this book gives us another vision of expatriation. It deconstructs a widespread vision, one that emphasizes the advantages of being an expatriate. It puts into perspective the challenges they face and helps us, in a way, to see the submerged part of the iceberg. International mobility is not an idyllic experience.
We have a role to play in easing any tensions, in bringing the employee's objectives into line with those of the company."

Testimony of Delphine Gadé,
Former International Mobility Manager
Global Talent Director Gas, Renewables & Power
Total Energies
How do you deal with the difficulties faced by your expatriates and their spouses ?
Which advices could you give ?
To discover further testimonials and advice from our experts
The issues of cohesion between expatriates are the main challenges I have encountered in my job.
I had to respond to the challenge of leading my international teams, the feeling of belonging and maintaining the internal professional networks of my mobile employees.
I agree that international mobility has a role to play in easing these possible tensions, as well as in helping employees to reach the company's objectives.
What an interesting testimony !